One night my GF met up with me at a bar. I was drinking with a girl that is a friend of mine. I was already drunk but continued to get wasted. Soon thereafter I could hardly walk and she carried me...
Ok, a long story but here goes. I was going out with my ex for less than a year and parts of the relationship were great and parts weren't. The good (just) outdid the bad. She was wilder than me and...
Hey all! need some advise, hoping someone can help me!!!! So i've been married for 7 years, and have a good relationship with a child of 18 mths. No wanting to sound big headed i think i'm good...
If you knew your boyfriend was interested in someone else and you thought it was just a matter of time before he said your relationship was over, what would you do? Ignore your gut feelings and try...
I need to track my partners mobile phone because I suspect he is being unfaithful. However, he always has his phone about his person and hides it at night so I cant set it up to agree to...
what do i do when my son's father relies more on me to take care of the bills like our car note , rent, electric , gas, car insurance...because he quit his job end of february...but told me neva just...
hi everyone, could really do with some advice, im living with a guy i met off the internet, we spoke for 3 years on the phone before meeting, then when we met, he left his wife and i left my kids and...
I've lived with my g/f for a few years. We've got 4 kids at home. When we met I was all up for the wedding lark. Truest thing anyone ever said to me was, 'you don't know someone until you live with...
...................for Viagra to start "working". This is a serious question so please don't take the pi$$. Any of you guys out there ever used it? I'd appreciate your help on this if poss. Thanks.
my mom is so protective of me! i am 15 and she won't let me date because she is so religous that she is afraid that i will have sex with him!!! how can i convince my mom that i am not to young and im...
i was dumped by the guy i was completely in love with about a year and a half ago.then he transfered schools , got a new girlfriend 2 days later and right before he left, he told me he still loved me...
What do I buy my girlfriend for her birthday? We haven't been seeing each other long but we've done the whole love thing. Only prob is she's in Australia travelling so it has tio travel well, plus...
as above, what do they Really mean?? he want to get into me knickers? etc??? or they just like the way i look/dress? when i go on dates the guys say it to me, n its not the first time they say it,...
I have been separated for a year. I am not ready to 'date' again yet. Was married nearly 20 years. A friend suggested looking at dating website for fun. (I have not joined any). I was quite shocked to...
What is the difference between the two? I'm a young skally-wag and don't have enough experience to tell. It would be nice to be reassured that I'm just feeling lusty towards the person in question,...
A friend of mine is about to start a short course of counselling for issues relating to past relationships which is causing her to be very insecure about her current relationship. Has anyone had...