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hes ignoring me

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Officialusername | 19:45 Sun 13th May 2012 | Relationships & Dating
57 Answers
My OH and I have been having issues lately, and each time we fall out, he ignores me and I go crawling back. Sometimes, during silent treatment, I've waited out for his to get in touch with me, but he never does. He can go weeks without messaging me. We had a bad patch recently, but sorted it out. Last night he told me he was in some girls room in the hotel he was staying at because there was a hen night going on. I always stay in and never go out, I assumed since he told me, everything was fine, but no longer wished to sit in and mope around; so I went out and got drunk. I had a brilliant night, but now, after two texts? he is not talking to me. The last text was at 12 this afternoon and he is a BIG texter; usually texts back straight away. I thought perhaps his phone was dead or something, but he's updated social network sites via his phone. I am being ignored. Please someone help, I am going out of my mind. I am so upset.


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Basically what 4get said. I told him if he ignored me everytime we disagreed I'd walk.

He believed I would, and I would have done, so he stopped doing it.

Fair enough if you ignore someone because you've had a row, but as soon as you calm down the issues should be addressed like adults.

Luckily we barely ever disagree.

Your chap does sound like he's emotionally controlling.
You're just a puppet on a string.. Get rid.

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ye I haven't contacted him after the 2 messages I have sent him today. he still hasn't been in touch, I can't keep chasing no more
You are worth more than this. Go out and have fun and show him you can manage without him. Don't sit moping indoors in case he decides to ring. He
is using you. Find someone who values you for who you are. You sound like
you might be lacking a bit in self-confidence. Look in the mirror and say 'I am
beautiful, 'I am worthy of better treatment than this'! I wish you every happiness, but you wont be happy until you ditch him, he is dragging you down. Forget about blokes for a while, have fun with your mates. Mr. right is
out there somewhere, just be patient. Cupid04.xx
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so many people is saying I should get rid, I am going to wait out and see if he contacts me. If not, then I guess that is it.
We are not giving this advice to hurt you, we are trying to save you from getting any more hurt by this bloke who is treating you horribly. I hope you
find happiness.
Why bother to chase him? He is obviously not worth keeping if you catch him. Better to stay at home and enjoy yourself than stay at home waiting for a bull excreting boaster. Getting drunk solves nothing. If you do not feel like you can find a new bloke who appreciates you find a new hobby for a couple of weeks to keep you from crawling. Crawlers get trodden on.
I've been in a relationship like this and a 1000 people could have told me to walk away but I still couldn't. I'm afraid you've got heartache ahead whatever happens but it won't be until you love yourself that he'll be history, whoever brings it about.
What do you want from this relationship? Are you happy being a doormat? Sounds like you had a great time out with friends so perhaps you need more of the same. Life's too short to waste your time and emotion on someone who obviously has no thought for you or your feelings. Let go.
How long have you been with him? What do you fall out about?
He wouldn't even know what love was. He is a controller and you are letting yourself be controlled.

He is never going to change. Go and make your own life without him.
So many owls.................
I know it's hard, but you are worth more than this - I said to someone else this week that this guy is getting a kick out of seeing you dangling around waiting for him, waiting for him to bestow his favours on you. Stop wasting your life - he ain't going to change, so you have to. Grit your teeth,keep talking to us on here - and start living a life that doesn't depend on this waster to throw you scraps of "affection".
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Yeah I think I need more me time and I wont chase him this time. I really mean it. Its so hard, hes the first person I think of, morning and night.
Take control. Change your locks then text him and simply say "It is over, I never want to see you again".

When he comes around (he will), be strong, don't even talk to him and definitely don't let him in even if he starts grovelling and making all kinds of promises that he can't and won't keep.

This guy is not worth having. While you keep letting him walk all over you he won't work that out.
.. and that's exactly what he's relying on, he's got you on a string. If you have a photo of him beside your bed - bin it.
Maybe craft but I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt here.
Short word, when he next expects your attention, say it. NO. Or even better, ignore him and do not reply, either in text or face to face. Walk away, no looking back.
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I don't think he will get in touch. He doesn't seem to bother. Every time he ignores me, or doesn't reply, I crawl back to him. He's went weeks before. I think if I don't get in touch, he wont either and that will be that. He seems to be so strong, or maybe I'm niave and he doesn't really love me afterall.
Have you tried talking to him?

Although I would never stay with a man that ignored me for going out.

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