I'm 33M, and split with my ex about 2 years ago, we'd been together for 10 years and had grown up together as we were friends since we were kids!! We never really fell out when it ended, no massive arguments etc. Anyway it left me devastated for ages, suffering from depression it was a real low point - especially as she found someone to 'replace' me very quickly.
I've now moved on though and had a couple of girlfirends since, but always associate things we do/places we go with my ex.. It doesn't make me feel as sad as it used to, but I always wonder if she thinks of the old times at all??
I know this situation isn't unique and was wondering if women think of their ex's and the good times even if they are loved up in a new relationships??
Hi Andy, I feel for you - truly do. After you split with someone - as the months/years go by, you cant help but think of moments that you shared with your ex partner at all. I have split from my ex for 5 years now and it just takes a song, or a place, or the smallest little reminder and in pops a 'moment' of a time when we were happy together, Im incidentally with a new man now but we would not be human if we didnt reminisce - we all have fond memories.
I wish you luck. You'll be fine.
RQ xx
i suppose it depends what type of relationship you had,and it sounds like you had a good one im sure your x dose think of you i think of mine whenever i here a concreat mixer my guts crurn over so i avoid building sites b and q and washing machines with the bearings gone which reminds me i must let my nieghbour no about her machine good luck andy