I've tried to read and digest your posts, but all that is standing out to me is he's used you, i'm sorry to sound so harsh but he see you on the rebound after being in a relationship for 9 years, with all the best will in the world, very rarely does a person come out of one relationship straight into another, i believe he knew what buttons to press with you, the wine & dine & meeting your daughter was only a natural thing to do when hes trying to impress you, all to often work & relationships don't go, i'm not saying they can't work, the majority just seem to fail.
It worrys me why someone in the same job as you actively encourages you to reduce your hours, WHY?
Now you have the burden of making ends meet financially, i can't make out for the life of me why you done this, unless he was willing to contribute towards the Bills etc, in which i believe you have learnt a harsh lesson.
What was his reason for ending his relationship in the first place, after all 9 years is along time to be with someone then it ends all of a sudden, you also said he had a very busy social life what you did'nt object to, maybe his previous partner did, because maybe he wasen't as up front truth wise as he is letting on.
I apologise if i have hurt your feelings, but their are two sides to every coin, He may well of come across as your knight in shinning armour but i suspect that when push comes to shove, he led you into believing what you wanted to hear then once the talk of wedding bells etc came along, that was his excuse to bail out so to speak.
Try not to get yourself to down, i understand it must be difficult for you going back to work etc, but the sooner you get back the better, if nothing else think of your little girl
Hope all turns out fine