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Womens oppinions please

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Spiderbee | 20:22 Sat 13th Oct 2007 | Relationships & Dating
25 Answers
I'm currently studying relationship psycology and I have a quiestion for the women out there.

If you met a guy you were attracted to but you found out he had a partner or wife, would you continue to persue him or leave well alone?

All answers greatly appreciated.


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I would leave well alone. I wouldn't do to someone else what I wouldn't want done to me!
I've always thought I'd make a perfect mistress!

I certainly couldn't say that I'd leave well alone. I'd want to, but if we got on extremely well and he continued to pursue me then it would be very tempting to allow myself to strike up some sort of relationship with him. I certainly wouldn't allow a fling.

But in no way would I be expecting it to turn into anything serious. Quite the opposite in fact.
I would say leave well alone! however i have in the past persued men I knew where in relationships! 9 times out of 10 they end in disaster and you end up getting hurt! i have been on recieving end too and it nasty!!
Been down that road. He lied and did not tell me he was married. I was quite involved by then, nut ended it shortly after finding out. Would not do it intentionally.

Of course she found out well after the fact. i set her straight and she knew I was not the first, nor was i the last. Years later they divorced. Not pleasant.
I work with a lot of women....if the man has money or power to promote them....they will try anything.

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