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cuddleMe | 18:52 Sun 24th Feb 2008 | Relationships & Dating
10 Answers
Why is it so hard to find a relationship, when i do, it all goes wrong. i met a guy inthe summer, he was cool i really liked him and he said he felt the same. it all went pear shape when i wasnt seing him as much as i have hoped, cos he says hes always busy and working long hours and tired. we plan to do things but it never happens then i dont hear from him for months but later found out hes been seeing another girl all along, and all that time he was thinking i was dating other guys which i werent! but i stil like him?! werid


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Hi cuddle
Fancy a drink ? :o)
I think you might be doing what I'm doing and meeting the wrong types. Or meeting the ones who are telling you what you want to hear..
My ex cry ed one night as she wanted to see me more as she wanted a relationship with me..
So i started seeing her more only for her to say 2 weeks later she didn't want a relationship and ended it
I don't think some people know what they want..
Question Author
roy, yeh i thinking we're meeting the wong type! but my problem is i find it hard to let someone care for me, for a long time i have been dealing with depressions and problems on my own! its hard to share my problems. but when im ready to tell.... he just disappears and moves on :( where have i gone wrong?? so where u from roy?
I'm from around the Manchester area..
Well if they disappear when you tell them your problems then there not worth dealing with..
Everybody has problems that's life so your boyfriends are always going to get someone with a problem.
Depression can be over come so don't let that get you down you need to change your thinking and a few things in your life..
Well i have spoke to loads on AB on and off the net we are all here to help..
No one knows you so you can ask and say what you want..
As i have done on my other post...
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thanks roy, your sweet :) i know i need to change the way i think, but its hard, when i'm ready to talk about my problems hes never there :( they say if you want to b in a relationship then we should talk about it and share our problems, yes i know that but it takes longer for me, mayb youre all just being impatient :) oh well.........
Its ok cuddle
Some people do find it hard to deal with or don't know how to when some one has a problem..
I know its hard but you will get there i promise i know of many who have done it..
Going to the gym helps you loads more than any tablets..
keep ya chin up
hi cuddle, just read this post, your situation sounds really really familiar to someone i know, can i ask where u live?
also, i dont think you should consider you r in relationship with that guy, you even didnt see each other much, and obiviously, if a guy always use excuse like tiring, working etc, he either seeing others or not really interested.
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u know this person? where abouts r u from?
im in leeds, where u?
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same mirelea, i wouldnt be suprise if he was dating all the girls in the same area!! hey i gotta go to wrk now, i dont want to reveal anything on her, jus incase so i will set up an email add or u can do one and send me an email?? i need to know if its the same guy! prob isnt but u never know,
how can i get ur eamil address?

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