Right i know most of you are above the age of 20 but im not im only 15 i have asked a girl out in my year and she has said no...but in longer words. i have her mobile number i mean yeah ok girls give there friend mobile numbers and i am her friend (a grate one at that) but she is from what iv read on the internet showing signs of liking me e.g i was at skate park and she kept resting her head on me today she wanted to go on a walk with me and my dog. So i guess what im saying is do you think she does like me it is and was just the wrong time to ask her???
Thanks for reading and i would be very grateful for the advice because i really like her.
it sounds like she does like you but might feel she's too young/not ready for a relationship.
Why don't you concentrate on being a good friend to her and who knows where that friendship may lead?
Good luck.
My son was in a similar situation and didn't know what to do next. As you are both so young take Mrs O's advice and stay friends for now. That's what my son did and it developed into something more. This may not happen for you but what have you to lose at this stage? Good luck!
wow ok Thanks.
And Thanks for the vote of confidence :)
ill still be happy to read what every one els think's.
Thanks to you guys/girls who have answerd
I've just consulted my son (17) and my daughter (13) and they both agree with me.
(This was after my daughter had finished making barfing noises and saying "boys, yuk!")
I also remember what it was like to be 15 years old and I think girls more than boys feel so embarrassed when they are asked out, I know I did! There is a lot of peer pressure on young people now, 'is he fit?', 'does he look good?' etc. I'm not saying she is like this but she probably feels a bit conscious about it, but by just being your friend for now feels better. I agree with In a Pickle, you sound a lovely young guy, pity you're just a bit too young for my daughter! lol x
by the way if this does work out with me and her i would feel like giveing u all �1000 trust me i would if i had it :)
ill tell u (lol may be a long time)if it works out thanks again.
and keep em coming....im not going to say this for every message from now lol i just want to know what to do.
so if/when you read this then just keep them coming at all times lol
so do you think i should leave it for her to ask me out as i have made the first move of asking her or just wait for like a year and see what happens???
When you "asked her out" she said "no" because she is sensible. Her next move was probably to gather peceptions of you from her friends. Today she is letting you know that you have passed the initial test and she wants to spend a bit of time getting to know you more.
Don't put too much pressure on yourselves. Don't get carried away with the idea and just talk about your impressions of life. Open communication and sincere respect are the cornerstones of human relationships. This is an opportunity to take a step towards learning about the deeper meaning of romance.
When i said to her im going to walk my dog cya in a bit she said can i come with you cos im bored do you think she was just saying that she was bored cos she didnt know what els to put???
Go for it. This is going to sound horrible, but is true - if she decides to pass you up, it is her loss. Go on to the next one. Many people say there is someone for everyone which is only partly true - there are loads of people you could be happy with. Be kind to people you meet, but if you find things going nowhere, especially when you have so many options, move on - make friends with other girls, and you may find one of them a happier companion than all you are being put through now.