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Your all great, i think that when two people get together and are very independant (like us) it causes problems when the beast emerges, he's gone from the dangerous job to a not so dangerous job but with alot more expectations from his boss, i really don't think he's having an affair, does stress effect sex drive? he's calmed over the past two days and is nearly back to normal, althought he threw a bit of a wobbly when he tried to use my toothbrush (petty i know) and i stopped him, as I have a mild thoat infection. Yes maybe Mummy did everything for him, and yes i have had occasions when i have stopped doing anything for him, that was the threat this time too. and has appologied and even thanked me for looking after him etc, he does pay for the extras, holidays, etc, but money is one subject we have never resolved (not sure how everyone else does it) he does not go out with friends very often (they livetoo far away and always did) but does have contact with them. I do think he's realised that what i do for him is looking after him and not working against him, (he threw a paddy other week because he wanted to wash clothing late at night when i stopped him he stropped and stommped about and would not listen so i left him to it, he soon realised i'd washed dried and sorted all he needed and came back with his tale between his legs) It's like he's a child now he's married. I'll read through again all your comments and make notes. We do talk, he just denies whats been decided etc (will start to tape things) I'll keep you all up to date, thank you for all your help so far. Love L x