Do any of you ladies (or gents) have a 'check list' that they go through on a 1st date to see if the guy/gal meets their requirements. I am new to the dating scene again, and dont want to end up with a total control freak like I had last time. i.e. what to watch out for...
Do they talk about their ex? On the first date, definately an avoid!
Did they decide, without asking you, what to do on the first date, where and what time? Be cautious. Definately potential for control freakyness. If they they choose your drink/meal for you then definately avoid!!
Does he ask questions,and listen to your replies? Good sign! If he follows up on your answer with a supplemental question, even better!!
Well, on the first date I'm looking for basic information. Are his teeth good? Are his clothes ironed? Does he smell bad? Are his shoes nice? Does he swear too much?
If you start dating him properly, how often does he text? Does he get touchy if you don't reply straight away? Does he want to see you EVERY day? Does he pout if you say you're going out with your pals? When you're out with your pals, does he text constantly/offer to pick you up at the end of the night, thus making sure you're not pulling another bloke.
1) Try to be yourself
2) Don't talk too much about yourself, be willing to listen
3) Maintain eye contact, but don't stare
4) Don't get drunk
I wouldn't say there were any specific rules, you'll know if you like each other and if you don't. If she likes you and you don't, don't keep her hanging on for weeks, be polite and let her down gently.
I'm not on the look out for a bloke as I'm happily married but if on a first date he didn't make me laugh (not having cracked a joke of course) or make me feel good, I'd move on.
I have been on a few dates and I remember one time asking him did he want a drink (that was my little test to see if he let me go the bar). Sure enough he let me go to the bar and buy him a pint a big no no never let a lady go to the bar no matter what!!!!!!.
My old fashioned view is that women can pay their share when you have got to know each other more. For the first few dates a man should always pay. Chivalry is always best too and being open and letting her know where she stands as soon as possible after the date. Face to face if possible but never let someone down by a text that is awful.
just to throw my two pennyworth in personal safety first
if he makes you feel uncomfortable leave. As for the rest it should be like going out with a friend don't accept from a man what you wouldn't accept from a mate.