I have known this guy for about 7 months we went to college together and were always friends in school yet never hung out outside of class. Yet we went out supposly as friends in feb when I got him he gave me a valentines day gift and took me to a movie and paid...we went back to his house to chill after and some stuff happened...then last week we went out again to the movies and dinner and went back to his place didn't think it was gonna happen but it happened again( u know what I mean) and he was just totally connecting with me like he really cares( he always makes the 1st move) he will txt me once in a while he'll check on me the thing that really confuses me is that he has a girlfriend...ya Why is he doing this? Do u think he has feelings for me? Why won't he leave her he is already cheating..I just need advice please please..
Why is he doing this? the guy's an arse, that's why.
Do you think he has feelings for me? Beyond lust you mean? No.
Why won't he leave her he is already cheating? It's called having your cake and eating it. If she's none the wiser about you two, and you keep letting him, then of course he's going to continue.
I'm sure he has feelings for you while you're obliging him, but after that - sorry, it's back to the girlfriend. The guy's using you. Say no next time.
hey this is my question I just want you guys all to know I'm a very honest person I do not want to Hurt anyone I just do not get why he still Wants her? When he does all he does with me like we really connect and have sience we met... That's why I'm so confuse like why am I not good enough to be more then whatever u call me right now!? His girlfriend doesn't do anything for him but drive him around bc his car is dead right now...so why not me?
I do not sleep around so please get that out of ur head... I'm not a little **** girl like it might sound soo just so u know and I meant connection as emotional not phyisical...
I have a car too but I don't live as close as she does and I work alot and she doesn't.. So it makes me feel like he is using her in some way like if he got rid of her he would be stuck... Don't u think she should know what he has been doing with me? Should I tell her?( I don't know her tho but I could )
I do feel for you liz, but I really do think it's best not to start a relationship the way you might start one if he ever breaks up with her. If he wants you, then he doesn't need her. He's not being fair to either one of you. I think you've got to be tough and say no more. You will only get your heart broken even more if you get more attached and he still wants to be with his girlfriend.