I get really embarassed when im asked by guys when my last boyfriend is, as ive never had one. Whats the best answer that avoids you looking like your really weird or without sounding really cringeworthy.
Don't say you've never had one - just say you don't want one (at the moment).
It's only girls of your age (? mid-teens) who think it's cringeworthy or embarrassing to admit to not having a boyfriend. Believe you me bella, the day will come when it matters not a jot. So long as you're quite happy with the situation, don't worry what anyone else thinks. x
I know it doesnt matter, its just quite embarassing as everyone my age always flits from one boyfriend/girlfriend to the other, and so im worried people may think its because there is something wrong with me!
yeh, thats what i meant to say, ooops my last answer was a typo, if a guy cant deal with the fact that you never had a boyfriend he is not worth the trouble.
It looks as though you're choosey and don't flit around from one boy to the other - believe me, boys like that. No-one wants a flibbertijibbit (oldie talk for slapper....!)
it sounds to me like you have lack of confidence, forgive me if im wrong, i am the same, i am always worrying bout what people think of me but at the end of the day, what everyone else thinks doesn't matter, you know yourself better than anyone else, remember that and be happy! :-)
You're not weird, you're right.
An easy swerve, "don't ask me about my last one, ask me about my next one."
Concentrate on your studies, rely upon yourself, the rest will fall into place in time.