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Awkward situation

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Headless Rat | 19:22 Sat 17th Apr 2010 | Relationships & Dating
8 Answers
Tomorrow I am going to the same event as two girls I used to be good friends with. About a year ago I fell out badly with them. They are still friends but I am not with them. We all bumped into each other a couple of months ago and it was all civil. In the spirit of things, I texted them at new year's to wish them well in the year ahead and said that I hoped we could leave the past in 2009 and move on from it as we'd been friends for a long time before that. They replied but didn't allude to any good will on my part and certainly did not agree to put the past behind us. I'm in the frame of mind where I don't want to be civil or polite to them tomorrow as they obviously rejected the olive branch I offered them. Any advice on how I should handle it? Thanks


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what sort of event, and how are old are you all?
why did you fall out?
Are you male/female? What exactly did they reply to your txt?
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We fell out because we have very different views on things. And I don't mean like what styles are in fashion this season. I mean things like sleeping with blokes who have girlfriends and kids. That's why we fell out- because I couldn't bear to see them acting in such a cheap and cruel way and having such disrespect for other people's lives.Especially the innocent little baby's. I'm female, Bigfoot. In reply to my text, they just referred to the weather and how their work was going for them- basically avoided all reference to the fact that I wanted to put things behind us. We're all going to be at a charity run in a small village so I'm bound to bump into them directly. I feel like saying to hell with politeness and just plain ignoring them when I meet them even if they do say hello to me. I'm 27, Sara!
I'd make eye contact (otherwise they take the moral highground), give them the opportunity to smile, say hello maybe.. then just give them a little nod and turn away.

good for you for having better morals than them.. although they may be embarrassed about it now..
Just nod, politely say hello and then ignore them, as I seriously doubt a public slanging match wil be appreciated at a charity. But what happens if they decide they're sorry and want to salvage your friendship, as you've already said you don't agree with their lifestyles so what would you do headless rat?
your behaviour thus far is admirable, so dont ruin it now. maintain your dignity, dont avoid places 'cos they will be there, you are not in the wrong. just play it by ear. if they want to make some polite talk with you, return it. if not, theres no loss is there?
Just be pleasant towards them, put what has happened behind you , move on to new friendships.

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