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Old girlfriend

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stevieweevie | 12:18 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | Relationships & Dating
26 Answers
Hi All

An ex girlfriend, whom for the last year has been engaged and living with another guy, has recently split from him.

Now she is texting me, saying we should keep in touch, and now these texts have become pretty graphic in a sexual way.

Even though I would love to give in and start back up with her, I have massive hang ups, (and i suppose, trust issues with her, after being with someone else), has anyone else been in a similiar situation?


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"Any sex is better than no sex "

You've changed your tune a bit joe...

Give this site a go.
Thanks for posting that link Chuck

Top of the drop down menu in your favourites was it?

Obviously my post should have read 'any hetro sex is better than no hetro sex'
Has she moved back with her parents?
china doll is right steer clear.
You broke up, presumably for a valid reason, and it is over. She sounds like the kind of girl who just has to have a man in tow, even if it didn't work out last time round.
Don't be tempted. Move on, tell her it wouldn't work, and try and cut her out of your life. You're not a puppet on a string so don't dance to her particular tune.
if you have any feelings left for her then id steer least for a good while...wait for a while to see if her intentions are genuine or not

she is on the rebound.
she may get back with him
she may be confused an looking for a shoulder to cry on
she may have realised how important you are to her...and its taken this time with another man to make her see that...but thats a long shot i feel.

you may end up hurt and alone. again.

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