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Onwards and Downwards Continued

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AB Editor | 13:59 Fri 08th Jul 2011 | Weight Loss & Dieting
134 Answers

I'm off on a big bike ride this weekend to make up for the terrible sins of:

1. Takeaway pizza
2. Pub burger
3. Beer

Anyone else repenting this weekend? It's been hard to get out in this muggy weather...

Old thread here: http://www.theanswerb...uestion1025211-6.html


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i made up this recipe myself,i carton low fat yogurt,frozen fruit(i used cherries) put in blender til you get the consistency you want,pour into a lidded container and put in the freezer for an hour,using a fork mix everything up again,in again for another hour and repeat with fork,thats you'''
17:32 Sat 23rd Jul 2011
i made up this recipe myself,i carton low fat yogurt,frozen fruit(i used cherries) put in blender til you get the consistency you want,pour into a lidded container and put in the freezer for an hour,using a fork mix everything up again,in again for another hour and repeat with fork,thats you'''
Thanks slinky kate. I will definitely make that.
Morning All, Not good at all. I'm up 700 gm....nearly 2 lbs. I know why and hopefully will be able to rectify it this week.
Better luck to the rest of you.
PASS . On the naughty step. Be back later.
I've not been too good this last 2 weeks - I've had a few worries about a close friend so not really been paying as much attention to my diet as I should. Gained a couple of pounds last week and I have managed to lose one of those this week. Hoping that we will get good news re friend on Monday (things seem to be improving). Well done to those of you that have been losing.

Onwards and Downwards
Hi Xstitcher you and me both . Jimjools yes worry can set you back .Hope your friend improves. I have had my Grandson here and been having things I shouldn't have like finishing off a toad in the hole meal he had. The odd bit of choc.Was so in gear last week and in the right frame of mind for which I lost 2 lbs but I have put back nearly 1 lb so got to check it .
Onwards and Downwards
I don't understand the weight loss thing. I tend to have less control over my diet over the weekends, well not unless I intend being rude and complaining about what's given me, or leaving it. And this weekend seemed particularly energy high. But come Monday and I'd actually gone down 1¼lb since the previous Thursday ?!?!?! A total 2¼lbs for the whole week. It seems just having working scales in the bathroom is enough to frighten the weight off.
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LOL O_G, if only it was that way!

I always think you pay for these things later. If you were good last week you're currently seeing the benefit, you might see an upswing when the heavy food catches up with you.

As for the not having control over food on the weekends, I sympathize - I'm in the same boat most Sundays!
That is absolutely true AB ED. Some people tend to think because they have not stuck to eating healthily and still lose they tend to forget that it can catch up with them the following week .Well do I know this.
In which case I'm just wondering where it is storing it, hidden from the scales, until it decides to catch up.
Put this question into google (WHERE IN THE BODY IS FAT STORED)

How is Body Fat Stored or UsedThe sole purpose of a fat cell is to store small droplets of fat molecules. These fat molecules are formed as the concentrations of fatty acids in the blood rises, such as after a big meal. An increase in concentrations within the blood triggers lipase enzymes located in fat tissue, to grab the fatty acids and convert them into a fat molecule (triacylglycerols) for storage.

In fact, as we gain weight and become fatter, the fat cell numbers do not multiply, rather they just store more fat molecules, thus they expand to become larger. Fat cells in the human can multiply, but only if fat storage cells “run out”.
Ah, fair enough, but the crux of the confusion is why, if it is already storing recent excess in the fat cells, is it not yet registering on the scales. I reckon it must be storing it, not in the fat cells, but under the bed, waiting to grab it later in the week, when I'm asleep ;-)
Lol old_geezer it is like the definition of a calorie. Calories are the little feckers that get into your wardrobe at night and sew your clothes tighter. My wardrobe was infested with the little blighters.
I lost another 1/2lb this week . Sometimes I think if you are not eating enough, you body goes into starvation mode and thinks hey I need to hold on to this fat, but sometimes when you let yourself go a little, you're body says hey this isn't too bad, I'm still getting food and uses up some of the surplus as well. I know I work by the 80/20 rule and as long as I am good 80% of the time, the other 20% will balance out. Well done to everyone who has lost.
Good for you Jules and you have a good point there.
going swimming tonight,i am looking forward to it as its so hot.i get weighed tomorrow night so i need to be good.
Got weighed yesterday at WW and put on 1lb but I think it was maybe down to birthday party at the weekend and then out to dinner on Sunday. My leader said to draw a line under the bad week and start today as a new week so that is what I am trying to do. Well done to those of you who have lost weight this week
Onwards and Downwards!!
put on 2 lb.but i lost a lot the last two weeks(9lbs)still angry at myself though.
Loosing 9½ pounds is quite a lot to loose so quickly. Do you have anybody to talk to about your weight loss? It might be a good idea.
I've been away for the past two-and-a-bit weeks, so my diet has gone a bit... well... tits up.
I've done really well today though, and pretty much grazed all day on carrot sticks, celery and hummus.
I don't want to step on the scales, but I reckon all that lovely food, beer and wine has probably put me back up a few pounds :-(
Going for a run in the morning, which will be hard work.

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