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How do I get a business guru?

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Epiphany74 | 16:42 Fri 02nd Feb 2007 | Business
2 Answers
I'd like one of those ones like off the tv that come in and look at all the figures, the income and outgoings, the product offer and the staffing then tell you what to do to make it successful / profitable / brilliant. How do you think I'd go about attracting one of them to help me sort out my business and give me new ideas and a kick up the butt (preferably without spending any money on their services). Are any of those shows recruiting at the minute?


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Its called management consultancy. A much maligned business claimed to be guys in suits borrowing your watch to tell you the time. At a more affordable (ney, even free basis) you may be able to access some resources through the local Business Link organisation or the Chamber of Commerce.
My prime business is actually business coordination and assisting businesses with their marketing needs.... although I am now moving into publishing, Id be happy to have a look for you and see if I can help anywhere - obviously free! WE all have to start somewhere :)

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