War Widows Pension in The AnswerBank: Law
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War Widows Pension

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sammmo | 07:38 Tue 19th Feb 2013 | Law
2 Answers
My mother recieves war widows pension because she lost her 1st husband in WW2. She also recieves her old age/state pension.. my sister thinks she should recieve one or the other but not both..is she correct?
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Not certain but from what i have looked at a person can have another pension or income of up to £71 a week and still get War widows pension.
If your mum is on Pension credit then all income is taken into account to make up the payment to the pension credit amount so in that case it will not make any diffrence.
As far as I can see from various bits of guidance on the web, a War Widow's Pension (whilst called a pension) is actually classified as a benefit and is not a pension entitlement as such (in the same way that the basic State Pension is).
If that is true, if she is entitled to a State Pension, there is no reason why the War Widow's Pension should not also be paid. If the combination of State and War Widows pension is still short of the minimum, then Pension Credit (or other benefits) could also be claimed.
The War Pensions Agency is the place to get a definitive answer on 0800-169-2277.

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