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If You Were Extremely Wealthy

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hc4361 | 13:23 Sun 05th Jan 2014 | Personal Finance
71 Answers
would you go to A&E with an injured foot or pay to go privately?
If you were a multi millionaire in your early 40s.


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I would go private if i had the money, i went to the maternity ward yesterday as my waters were leaking and waited 3 bloody hours, before i said i was leaving. I had enough, and no communication from staff to say how long the wait would be, or if i was ok. rubbish care. Well, while i was leaving the doc came and saw me, which was convenient...but i still don't...
13:33 Sun 05th Jan 2014
Then Boxtops, he / she had a condition which was treatable by private services.

This is a classic case of the original question being 'wooly' leading to wooly and speculative answers.
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Martin Lewis is whingeing on FaceBook that when he got he got up this morning he couldn't put any weight on one foot, so he's at A&E.

There are plenty of private urgent care facilities in the UK, like this one:
Zacs, that is the second time I've seen you use that definition of moot point; you may wish to consider the second one too!
Boo. From chambers English dictionary, often considered the benchmark of dictionaries:
moot verb (mooted, mooting) 1 to suggest; to bring something up for discussion. 2 intrans to dispute or plead, especially as a form of academic exercise. adj (mooter, mootest) open to argument; debatable • a moot point. noun 1 historical in Anglo-Saxon England: a court or administrative assembly.

I think your source maybe from across the pond.
The second meaning - open to discussion - is always the one I've been taught, a moot point is something open to debate.
oh Jesus wept! Does it matter?

Wishing i'd never mentioned it now! Yes Zaks, you're right, im wrong- well done!

Perhaps folks will get back to the question now?
From observation, what happens round here is that the private hospitals get all their complex work done at NHS hospitals. In fact many have signs up saying 'No A&E here'.
And given that you don't get to be very rich by giving it away....I'd go to A&E and have my minions tend to my every need while I waited to be triaged, and enjoy the floorshow provided by the rest of humanity while I waited a further few hours.
From the Oxford English Dictionary (which clarifies that Boo's definition is indeed from our American cousins)
1subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty:
whether the temperature rise was mainly due to the greenhouse effect was a moot point
2North American having little or no practical relevance:
the whole matter is becoming increasingly moot
Of course it matters. We're not The 53rd US state just yet.
Am I alone in finding Zacs OCD a little tedious here?
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There are private urgent care facilities around the country which are entirely separate from NHS A&E.
A sore foot is not life threatening; Sundays is always a busy day at A&E because of all the amateur sports injuries, DIY accidents and so on. In those circumstances I'd definitely go private. Time is money, after all.
No mosiac you aren't!

Apologies hc for your post descending to something not even relevant to your question x
I always thought it was what multi millionaires in their early 40s with sore feet had round their castles.......
Probably not Mosaic but I hate someone saying I'm wrong when I'm right. It's a personality flaw.
Private hospitals here dont have equipment as NHS A&E. Consultants are often NHS working privately but nursing is expected to be improved. Though with my OH through BUPA & AXA, private nursing was abysmal & neglectful. I saw the difference when I admitted him to NHS ward. NHS had supurb Sisters who demanded standards my OH never had in private hospi

The difference is a private suite against sharing in a ward.

Zacs, my OH was incontinent in a private suite; I visited at tea time to find his suite covered & stinking of crap, with a plate of petit fours for him to eat with hands covered in crap, I asked 3 nurses to clean him & room up & they called the cleaner - I ckeaned him & room myself. After 2h visit no cleaner showed up.
Hc, could you please identify a couple of these private A&E centers?
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I've already posted a link to the Princess Grace Hospital, Zacs
Tambo that's dreadful. What a truly rotten experience all round.
DD worked in local hospitals admin and regularly saw private patients being brought in for proper treatments.
The private hospitals round here seem good at bunions, facelifts and posh alcoholics, then anything else goes to NHS.
Here's a thought....if you were injured and needed urgent treatment and the nearest hospital was private with A&E, would they treat you? Or would it be like in the USA, treatment in return for credit card?
Seems if your wealth, you better have your As & Es at a time to suit your hospital
Service hours:
Daily, 8am–10pm, all year round
The last appointment is at 9.30pm.

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