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If You Were Extremely Wealthy

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hc4361 | 13:23 Sun 05th Jan 2014 | Personal Finance
71 Answers
would you go to A&E with an injured foot or pay to go privately?
If you were a multi millionaire in your early 40s.


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I would go private if i had the money, i went to the maternity ward yesterday as my waters were leaking and waited 3 bloody hours, before i said i was leaving. I had enough, and no communication from staff to say how long the wait would be, or if i was ok. rubbish care. Well, while i was leaving the doc came and saw me, which was convenient...but i still don't...
13:33 Sun 05th Jan 2014
If your google Windsor hospitals, my OH used ALL of them. I wish I had taken photo evidence but alas this was 2002,
You go Private for Consultant care.
If you don't, then you may get "non "Consultant" care.

The venue doesn't really matter.
I am not sure there is such a thing as a Private A+E ?
Apparently there is Mikey. Might be good for you to read the preceding debate.
mikey......It's not the venue that you are paying for it is the Consultant.

Because a Private Hospital doesn't have an A&E it doesn't mean that you cannot go there and be seen by a Consultant.
To back up what Sqad said, I have been offered a choice of venues to see a consultant including local private hospitals. Which I did. Amazing to see how the other arf live - even the junkies were clean and tidy.
I wonder who this mystery multi millionaire in his early 40s is? Is it hc?
I would go privately if possible .
Thanks for slapping my wrists on earth would I manage without you !

To my knowledge, there are no private A+E's near me. Anyway, there is no dispute about private medical care. But If I turned up at a busy A+E, would my private Consultant be called out ? Wouldn't I have to go to his private consulting rooms ? If he was called out to my local NHS A+E, wouldn't that mean that others would have to wait even longer, because my private consultant would be taking up the room and facilities ?
\ But If I turned up at a busy A+E, would my private Consultant be called out ?\\

Yes........he may just give advice initially, but he would see you when available.

\\\If he was called out to my local NHS A+E, wouldn't that mean that others would have to wait even longer,\\\ what?
Most consultants, IMO, work in the NHS as well as privately, so it's unlikely to conflict. There would be more than one consultant on call at any time.

Much NHS work is now contracted out to private hospitals - anyone eligible can bid for the work these days, often patients are referred to private locations, but paid for by the NHS.
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Zacs, I've already said further up. It is Martin Lewis.

\\\\ There would be more than one consultant on call at any time. \\\\

what are the typing icons for a nervous embarrassing cough?
Even arabs take up health insurance, you dont need to be a millionaire to pay though a good salary/income helps.
If i was extremely wealthy and injured my foot on my yacht i would ring down to the galley and get my private doctor up to the bridge in a flash.
If I was extremely wealthy I would have the top consultant in podiatry ( think that's right) make a house call and bring suitable 14hour home nursing with him.
Hospital hah hah
that should have been 24 hour !
I cannot stand that Martin Lewis bloke .Smug git comes to mind every time I see him .Such a shame he's had to hob nob it with the plebs :)
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He certainly believes the general populace (his viewers, anyway) have the attention span of a goldfish and the intelligence of an excitable 3 year old.

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