If you repaid part of this debt by cheque, a record of it will appear on your bank statement, and although cheques are no longer returned to the person writing them, if you contact you bank they should be able to give you a written statement of who the cheque was made out to. I'm unsure why a solicitor is involved in this transaction. If you know who the solicitor is, I would contact them saying there seems to be a misunderstanding about how much of the debt you have repaid and send them a copy of the cheque (if the bank can provide it, or evidence of it being paid via your bank statement). Your query isn't very clear as to whether you repaid any of the loan in cash. If you did, that was a very ill advised thing to do. Always may sure you pay by cheque and get a receipt so that you have a future record and the individual concerned can't come back to you and try to ask for the money again.