Our appraisals go like this:
Part 1
Look at objectives for the past year, appraisee fills in comments about how/whether they have been attained, reasons why if not.
Appraisee fills in section saying how they think they performed, things they are particularly pleased with, anything which got in the way of their achievements.
Manager fills in section commenting on performance,
Part 2
Based on business plan, set objectives for coming year, with benchmarks and review dates, how you will demonstrative when objective reached
Part 3 - Personal development plan
What training and development the appraisee needs in order to perform in coming year or expand their knowledge, under these headings
Job specific requirement
personal/professional development
We discuss the soft stuff verbally, we don't document it necessarily - appraisal is about performance against targets, not emotions - and the appraisal is NEVER a time for either of you to spring surprises. Nothing about problems or performance issues should ever wait until appraisal to be raised - they should be addressed at the time they arise. Appraisal is not the time for greivances or disciplinary matters - the gripes your staff are feeling should be aired in team meetings and 1:1s, most definitely NOT in appraisals!