I have an old loan, prob best part of Two and half years old which is just catching up with me for payment !
I have been at the same address all this time, however, when I view my credit file this debt does not show why would this be ??
Would it show on Experan and not Equifax ? as I am only using Equifax
Answers please as I am confused, as to if i should start making payments, as I have asked for a copy of the original agremeent and they will not provide this info either, or sorry there will but at a charge !
If you borrowed the money, and agree that you haven't already paid it back what does it matter where it shows or not.............surely you should just pay it back.
No not at all, what I am saying is they will not provide me the original signed agremment and summery, how can i check the figure they are chassing, how can i caluate the intest, how do i know for sure when the loan started ?
Sorry but I would certainly know details about any loan I took out...............are you sure you're not just looking for a get-out to avoid paying up?
But haven't you got a copy of the original agreement and details of any payments made...............I presume you have else how can you disprove whatever figure the lender comes up with?
The simple answer is that not all lenders report to the same credit reference agencies so yes, it could be on Experian or Call Credit and not Equifax. You need to check the other two as well.
Situation is as CheekyChops says; also (surprisingly!) sometimes these debts don't appear on any of the CRA files. In any case, all you would find there is what they say the current balance is - which ought to be the same as the amount they now tell you is owed, but even if it is not it doesn't give you much useful information.
Have you asked them what the fee is to get a copy of the agreement etc? I believe it is no more than £10 - a standard charge under Data Protection legislation. Easiest thing is for you to write asking for what you want, saying you are applying under that Act & sending the correct fee.
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Do you know the answer?
Why would a credit agreement not show on my credit file ?