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Is It Feasible....?

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KARL | 19:15 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Business & Finance
10 Answers

Let's say person A bears a grudge against person B and A works for a bank plus knows B's bank account details. Is it at all possible for A to put a hex on B in some way whereby B's transactions are flagged as potential fraud and thus blocked, again and again ?



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depends on what function A has. It's possible but those sorts of things end up on a report and have an audit trail so when B phones up to complain it will be clear that A did it so if there is no reason for A to do what they did they would be asked to account for their actions. In sort yes but they'd probably get fired if they kept doing it without a valid reason beyond a personal vendetta.

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Thanks TTT for the quick response - a furious enough grudge may just explain events. Two different banks, but the right seed in the right place.....?

When you say 'hex' do you mean witchcraft, sorcery or some other supernatural means?

It's possible but unlikely, I've worked IT in banks for most of my working life and yes operatives do have actions to functions that can effect the clients that's part of the job but it's very unlikely because everything is auditable, verified and if someone did something to effect a client without any sort of reason beyond their own mischief they would be fired.

Still no.

Could it be due to credit score?

What sort of transactions are they? Unusual transactions are flagged.

19:27 putting a hex on something is mostly an american term. In this context it means sabotage.

Righto. 🙄

How useful is auditing when bank folk close individuals' accounts and refuse to explain why ?

well they may not explain why to you but there will be a an auditable reason for the action.

In all the banks I worked for we had PWC auditors up our jacksie constantly. More so since 2008, we have the FCA and the yanks have the SEC and they are all powerful believe me.

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Is It Feasible....?

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