Can Yorky Lass and Ethel please explain how anyone can work out how much anyone has in savings from interest declared. There is a huge variation in interest rates and the amounts in accounts can vary daily.
Share dividend bears no relation to the value of shares.
I am certain the Inland revenue knows all details regarding ISAs but I am not sure how they find out about interest in ordinary savings accounts as I am sure I haven't given the bank my NI number.
Having got this information how does the DWP deal with it,? do they stop benefit immediately, or call the customer in for a fraud interview which may make an innocent pensioner withdraw their ligitamate claim.
Had a quick look on a tax return it does say the information is confidential, there is no mention of it being passed to other government departments.
I agree Benefit fraud must be stopped but going to the tax office re savings seems an odd way to get useful information.