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Dozy_Mare | 11:10 Sun 29th Oct 2006 | Law
13 Answers
I recently won some money on a TV Quiz Channel recently, on Friday I recieved two of the four cheques I was expecting, yesterday I got a letter from them saying that they are with-holding my winnings until my phone bill has been paid even though they sent the two smallest amounts by cheque and are keeping the final two big ones. (1) Can they do this and (2) What can I do?


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1 Almost certainly yes

2 Pay your phone bill
Question Author
I had no intentions of not paying the bill, it's set up as a direct debit on my account as it has always been and is not due out until the 7th of every month (assuming that it's not a weekend etc).
Sorry - didn't mean to suggest you weren't going to.

Given that payment is just over a week away there's not much in practical terms you could do even if the quiz channel were legally in the wrong - by the time any legal action had taken place you'd have been paid anyway.

It does seem an odd thing to do though.
Question Author
I appreciate your reply Dzug, I was just a bit miffed with them is all and wanted to know where I stood so I could rant and rave at them tomorrow (which I'll probably do anyway - if only just for fun).
Sounds odd, are the TV Channel relying on the money coming in, you must have one heck of a bill - lol
I'm confused - how would a TV channel know you haven't paid your phone bill? And why is it down to them to withold money from you until you've paid your phone bill....surely it's nothing to do with them.
I agree with hellion on this one.

I would try and seek some advice from your local trading standards office or CBA office.

Sounds A bit dodgy to me what were the quiz channels you won the money on? Because when we flick through the TV channels late at night some of them look a bit cr@ppy the camera quality is very poor etc. It is not up to them wether you have paid your bill or not if the telephone company had anything to do with it they would not let you make the call in the first place.

Good luck let us know if you get or money or not.
..yes I agree with the last 2 posts... is not up to the tv company whether you pay your phone bill or not...b.t (or your telephone provider) pays for your premium rate numbers ( in this case the tv company) and then you pay your phone bill.... if there was any problem with non payment of your bill then it would be down to your phone provider to request payment....

...if you have any questions phone up B.T , they should be able to tell you whats happening....all in all it sounds a bit dodgey to me...

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I hear what you're all saying and am majorly miffed, i fully agree that it has nothing to do with the Quiz Channel if my bill has been paid or not (as it goes my bill is not due to go out until 7th). I will be ringing them Quiz Call (on Channel 32 on Freeview) tomorrow and will let you know how I (didn't) get on. I re-read the letter they sent me just a minute ago and it says that they are with-holding any winnings that I won on the phone number i used but sent me 2 cheques for 100 pounds on friday that i had won using the same number.
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An update, spoke the woman concerned that sent the letter, told her i was very miffed - she said this was standard practice etc and all I had to do was send a copy of my mobile bill to prove it was mine and a copy of my statement to show that I do actually pay the bill. I faxed the above to her today and hopefully I should have my final cheque in the morning as I recieved another one today.
Just looking back on my profile, and spotted this question. Did you get your cheque Dozy_Mare?
Question Author
Yes I did thank you = ( " v " ) = and have decided I won't be dealing with them again.
Good for you. I get sick of the stupid quizzes they put on in the early hours on terrestrial tv.

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