s/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/Illorinjur ed/DG_10018913
If you haven't paid enough National Insurance contributions
You may be able to claim Incapacity Benefit even if you haven't paid enough National Insurance contributions if the following apply:
� you're aged under 20 (or 25 if you were in education or training at least three months immediately before turning 20)
� you've been sick for 28 weeks
� you're present and resident in Great Britain for 26 weeks in the year before you claim
If you're in the Armed Forces or you live and work within the European Economic Area (EEA), you may still be treated as being resident in the UK
This note lists 3 Separate section i.e those under 20, those who have been sick for 28 weeks, those resident for 26 weeks.
The above I have been informed are not exclusively linked to the under 20yo. This is further explained in the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992.
It has further been noted that I should have been offered to make up the difference in my national insurance contributions (this has never been offered to me).