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homerbart | 20:34 Mon 05th May 2008 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
As everybody would know the euro is poor against the pound. I am going to Canary Islands end of this week. Is it better for me to buy my Euros here in Northern Ireland or bring my pounds and get them transferred in the Canary Island. Thanks for any answers.


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I was in Tenerife in March and the best exchange rate I got was with my debit card to withdraw cash at the ATM and credit card for purchases.

I'm with Nationwide and there are no fees.

Otherwise, best to change in Tenerife.
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thanks fay mousse - I am with Abbey and there would be fees incurred taking from the ATM - but I am just getting over a bit of a fraud that occurred on my card last month - someone stole �100 for a top up mobile from my card and it was traced to Tescos in Uxbridge, England. This happened to me about 6 years whereby �580 was stolen from the card. I live in Northern Ireland so I am a bit sceptical in using my card at the ATM again thanks
Firstly a small correction - the pound is weak, not the euro. (A few months back the pound would have got you about �1.33, now �1.25ish)

Can I ask if you're anywhere near the border? If so, if you can pop over any credit union will change without adding a fee, so you'll get a good deal.
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No I am good bit away from the border and the petrol I would be out would be difference between pounds and euros. My friend is getting them today from her bank - you have to have an account which she has - First Trust here in Northern Ireland. South is I think Allied Irish.

Anyway First Trust is giving 1.27 euro to the pound so I will accept that. Thanks for all your answers. bye for now

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