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Do I Go Out Or Stay In Tomorrow?

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abbeylee90 | 19:11 Sat 30th Dec 2023 | Offers & Competitions
134 Answers

My friend wants to go out tomorrow but wants to go to hers for 6 but I'm just thinking about money aswell taxi to hers then to town and back or go out with my parents.



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Nothing wrong with going out with parents though and staying local. Even when I was your age I found NYE too manic and squashed everywhere. You might have better evening. 
20:08 Sat 30th Dec 2023

I don't like that answer 😕 can you give me another answer that I will like

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So I gotta do one or other?

I don't understood 😕 

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You said why don't I do both do you mean go out with family then my friend?

How did your date go?

Why not wear your hi viz and that way you can be in 2 places at the same time.

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Good but weather horrible 

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If I could I would

Ask your mum.

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Its up to me she said

Ask your dad.

Why is AbbyLee's grammar so atrocious?  She sounds like a kid of 12.

Not always Smurf, I noted the other day that she was very well written 

Abbeylee90 is probably doing her best to communicate.

Don't be so critical.

Abbey has learning difficulties following oxygen starvation at birth, but she did so well at English at GCSE and stayed in education to age 21; so I think she could write much more clearly, but I probably just typing a stream of consciousness as quickly as possible  without checking whether it makes sense.

is probably. See how easy it is to make typos.

If you've got no money, why are you thinking of going out with her + buying drinks and paying for tickets and taxis???

think she's given up on that idea. Hopefully she's out with her parents as I type this.

And you know this how new model army ?

Hey jarg. Abbey's given you a best answer.

Anyway, I know because Abbey's told us all this a few times on some of her many many threads

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Do I Go Out Or Stay In Tomorrow?

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