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Best childs car seat for occasional use please?...
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I'm 16, I have a boyfriend, he's also 16. Before we started dating, he was courting me, I asked him if he's sure about me, he said yes. We're dating for a month now, he said he's having second...
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hi big becky is back, I have kept out of trouble except for a school detention last night, my complaint. last night I had a detention it last for 1 and a half hours ( TOO LONG ) we had to sit at our...
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My cousin said that and pointed to me. I was really confused because a couple of boys had been being really weird around me.
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Any time I have a crush, I tell my friends. They will start crushing on him the day after I tell them. They get mad at me for crushing on the same guy as them and trying to "steel" him away from. One...
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I have a big birthday soon. I have a nought on the end. My partner, who I don't live with has given me some money, but mentioned that I know my daughter is skint. I want to spend it on myself but...
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I've been treated the same for 7 years. I t started in second grade so I might not have known what verbal abuse was. I went to counseling, but my councillor blamed me. I told my dad and he laughed....
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So, I am a single parent (widowed) I have one daughter who is almost nine. I do not drink or smoke and my social life is pretty non existent mainly due to lack of any childcare in the evenings. I have...
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My son. who's 12, has always had a tendency to tell lies. Even when he was younger his first reaction to anything he had done wrong was 'it wasn't me' (even when we were watching) and when he had been...
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One night at 8:00 p.m, me, my crush, and our friend were hanging out outside of school. Pep band had just gotten over and we were waiting to be picked up. Almost half an hour later, we're the only...
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I have three children, my daughter is 41, and two sons 33 and 32. They all get on very well and socialize together, and the two boys adore my daughter's two children. We have a family whassup that we...
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Xmas! What will or would make your Xmas special this year?...
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We have a 27 year old son who has been causing us problems for the past ten years. He does have some mental health issues and we have spent over £600 on private counselling as well as encouraging him...
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I have a question...because I'm at a loss for words and I want to understand. If you went to go pick your kids up from your mothers house (making your kid her grandkids) and your kid comes and gets in...
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How would you split rent in a blended family? Person a and person B share a bedroom person a has two children each of whom have their own bedrooms person b has a kid who has a room which is in the...
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If someone applies for carers allowance would it affect the care package in place - for instance day centre or respite care? TIA...
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My d in law wants out from 7 yr marriage plus 10 years living together. My son became house husband a year ago dropping 2 days work a week to care for their newly adopted child. D in law in good job....
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We've more or less made all the big decisions now. However we have both been married before and most of our guests will have attended at least one of our weddings. Consequently we do not expect people...
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I'm not sure if i'm on the right forum for this question, i'm looking for a long lost family member, i ordered a copy of his birth certificate from which i have now received, on the...

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