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Hi to everyone and Thank you all for your comments! That is exactly what I wanted and to read some of your experiences was really eye opening in a way! Both in good aspects and bad..
before I go on I just want to say an additional Thanks to those of you who have (quite rightly) defended me from those silly comments made by Daisy Nonna... I'll never understand people who comment like that and make assumptions but I won't waste anymore time talking about comments that don't matter to me or arn't true...
So yes, I do have a partner at the moment, although we're not living together but as Im approaching 30 this is a topic that is playing on my mind and my initial thought is to not have children but then the idea of regret plays on my mind as I hate regretting anything! (when regretable situations can be avoided ofcourse!)
You may find this funny to know that working with children (of all ages) has been my career for over 10 years! Make of this what you will... I know that I would be a good parent if my life took that turn although the idea of constantly being lacking financially as opposed to having my money as MINE to enjoy, along side the freedom you mentioned andyvon are major factors to consider.
On the flip side, I would love to have the relationship that I now have with my mum, she's my best friend and, even though there have been some very tough time over the last 10 years, We're always there for each other when needed...
So, the plight continues... as for the partner, we haven't discussed properly as yet, he had said at times he doesn't want kids and then k=joked that he wants to produce the next 15 elite for the England Rugby team! haha! Oh my god!
I know that Im in the fortunate position of being able to decide at the moment, some people simply dont have that choice and I really sympathise...
Thank you all for your HELPFUL comments and insights... very much appreciated! :)