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The kids are 17, 11 and 9. I have a copy of the form filled out for him so he needs to do it all in his own hand writing. The last part of the form is about finances, house, etc so he does need to speak with someone with a legal head. Without me telling him that I have had a copy of the forms filled in he called his friend last night and asked for his wife, the lawyer, to call him back with some advice - she was out, so at least he is doing something about it.
After a bit of an episode last night and me turning into "single white female" I have let it all out and told him that I will not mention the subject now til the end of the year and hope the promise he made me is not broken.
I think I have issues with myself to be honest as he is so loving to me, appreciative of the relationship, etc that it is something that I am not used to. Past relationships have left me with a low self esteem when one partner preferred to stick "stuff" up his nose on a regular basis and my last partner flirted on chat rooms with other girls. It has knocked my confidence a bit and Im just feeling a little insecure that someone would love me so much and do all he has to be with me - as in leaving his children (which I feel really bad about).
Anyway, the typical taurean that I am has calmed down for now. I have told him that if my paranoia gremlin appears again and he questions if I am ok - if I say that Im fine but cant speak then all I need is a reassurance hug and to let me deal with it in my own stupid head!!