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with the girl next door

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slocjo | 17:54 Thu 19th Jun 2008 | Family Life
24 Answers
hi. what you lot think about this. I had a thing going with the girl next door. The wife found out. so ended it. all things blown over (so i thought) just found out the wife is now seeing the girl next door. Any idear,s. ta.


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You obviously didn't want the wife in the first place or you wouldn't have "dicked" around!! Now thats all over you know how it feels so get on with it.
good for her,if the girl next door was good enough for you then she good enough for the missus lol.
if you loved your missus you wouldnt have been next door to start with.Hope she kicks you out and stays with her its no less then you deserve lol
what ever happend to borrowing a cup of sugar?
Maybe you could see stonekicker?
I agree. She sounds wonderfully cheerful :)

What i think you should do is see the GUY NEXT DOOR.
Or following your slighty paedo use of words, the BOY NEXT DOOR.

Have fun

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