Technology2 mins ago
well I like this guy that went out with my best friend and she told me that she loved him soo much but he doesn't and they broke up. My best friend asked me out andhe told me that he loved me but the...
my ex is pregnant for the 2nd time,we lost our 1st,she doesnt eat,she smokes alot plus blow,drinks a good bit too,she went for her scan today she is 30 weeks,the baby is under weight its ?2 4,she has...
my ex is pregnant for the 2nd time,we lost our 1st,she doesnt eat,she smokes alot plus blow,drinks a good bit too,she went for her scan today she is 30 weeks,the baby is under weight its ?2 4,she has...
My mother has brought my son a play kitchen for xmas and she wants to give it to him now!!! He is almost 3 and I think it will spoil christmas for him if he starts having presents early. I really...
I have a 12 year old daughter who has been consistantly been behaving badly since i can remember. She started senior school 18 months ago and has had end after end of problems there, and i...
can you get pregnat 1-2 days before you ovulate?
me and my boyfriend had sex and my period was on heavy but when we finish it was leaving and the next day it was gone am i pregnant or is this nomal for a person to go off after sex plz help me...
should i allow my 16 year old son, who is an honor student and athlete and is truly a good kid, to get an ear ring?
how do I wean my child from only wanting mom?
My ex-husband has had a new partner since the breakdown of the marriage and my children stay over every few weeks for a couple of nights. The girlfriend is young and has no children of her own but...
i found out i was pregnant, but iam only like 3 or 4 weeks... i think i've had a miscarriage because i went to the bathroom and i saw light bleeding it was pink and very very light so i...
i have recently found out that my boyfriend has a mild STD and he wants me to get checked out - i am going to do this but how do i tell my mum??
how do I cope with terrible decisions my 17 year old daughter has made and is trying so hard to deal with guiding her that her high school drop out boyfriend is no good for her .and that he is a...
My 2 year old daughter will not go to sleep unitil 11:00 or 12:00 a.m. I try to stop her from taking a nap but when im at work my mother watches her and she falls asleep in the car on the way home...
Ok I had sex and I came in her. I'm worried she's pregnant. What are the chances she's pregnant? (Oh if it matters after we were done I gave her oral sex until she orgasamed)
This is the second time my daughter has done this. I lay her down for her nap and I think that she is asleep and when I walk back to check on her she is playing in poop!! I mean all over her...
If you come in a girl a day before her period and then the next day you come in her again while she's on her period could she still be pregnant even though her period came on.
can you help me get in touch with Jason Codrais as i am his mums sister and have not seen him since he was about 3
my best friend has a problem.she has been off and on her period for six days can she be pregnant?
My daughter had an awful experience with a boy her age (4) where the boy exposed himself to her...this in turn, I later found out was because he was abused by a foster child...