school rush in The AnswerBank: Parenting
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school rush

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sunflower68 | 07:58 Fri 09th Sep 2005 | Parenting
13 Answers
Anyone have any ideas (I've used all mine up) to get my 6 year old to get the whole morning routine completed in time for school.  Once again it has become a nightmare!  I have tried star charts, rewards begging, everything.
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What's the actual problem? does she dislike school? are there cartoons on the TV? does she get up early enough? Does she go to bed early enough?

Put television off and devote 10 minutes to getting them ready.  Make sure they know TV doesn't go on until it is done and then you can get ready in peace. 

This is coming from the woman whose children didn't go to bed until 10.15 (dad's fault), couldn't get them up and eventually they went to school looking lovely and I went to work without brushing my hair, showering, etc.  Thank god Friday is a dress down day.....

Kids are expert at pushing parents' buttons, and the morning rush is a perfect opportunity. Your little angel has worked out that you are on a time limit, and the more she dawdles, the more frantic you get.

Remove the entertainment value! make sure you are up in plenty of time to get yourself ready first. The get her up, and take your time with her breakfast, and let her 'come to' properly. If you have timed it right, there will be no rush, so no need for her to kick against your nagging.

Try it - it works!

The kitchen clock downstairs has always been set about 8 mins fast, my daughter turns 13 this month and she still hasnt twigged why shes the first at the bus stop each morning !!
My 7yr old loves bad lads army, so some mornings he gets an army wake up call,cold water wash,dressed and fed in ten minutes flat, god knows what next door think.
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Woofgang she adores school, she just loves her bed and takes a while to 'come to' as puttycake says.

The TV goes on at 8am if she is ready.  However she has a brother of 7 who is more like Andy's bad lads army boy and is doing virtually the opposite to his sis.  It is hard to explain why there is no treat for him (he is fine though, not the prob here!)

Puttycake has summed up the dilemma for me. My girl is pushing the buttons as she has started laughing as I become more frantic....like your idea very much of giving her more time.  Definitely try it monday morning and LOVING the clock trick Sally Spike!!!

My youngest son has always been bad at getting ready on time. He's up in plenty of time (6.30 to 7) so I used to let him watch TV until 8am (gave me time to come round and get myself ready) then at 8 the TV went off and he had to have breakfast and get dressed. Different routine now, he's just started secondary school, so we're trying to get into a new routine!

Be hard - if she's started laughing it's now a game to her.  Sort of leave her to get ready herself, concentrate on yourself and your son, threaten to leave her behind - which you may have to carry out (although all within controlled time limits, if you get my meaning).  It's not a game and your sanity is paramount.  

Its also possible to leave her to it, wait till its time to go and take her just as she is. Whatever she's wearing - warn school, teachers are used to this, in my school we have never had a repeat offender. The Head once turned up at a child's house and offered to help the kid get dressed -that worked too.
I agree put th clock forward by about half an hour if this does not work you take her as she is, they learn very quickly when embarresd in front of thier peers.

have you tried not having the telly on at all?

in our house it does not go on and we sit as a family around the table. then washing, dressing and pack ups happen, we are all out of the house by 8.15am and get up at 6.40 am.it helps if all bags and homework are done the night before.

hope that helps, by the way we have 3 girls 6, 8 and 10. it can be done it just takes practice

How about getting a kitchen timer with a buzzer and turn it into a competition to be ready to leave the house before the timer "pings"?"

I hope this gives you some ideas but my daughter is a dawdler and a pain in the bum to get to ready for school and she is 8.

We get up and Meg gets showered straight away, then it's straight down stairs to breakfast which she has to eat in the kitchen without the television to cause distraction and she has to eat in a time limit.  Then she goes up to clean her teeth and get into school uniform.  If she gets on with it at 8am everyday she can scooby doo on boomerang then goes of to school.

I wish you luck for 2moro morning.

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