card games; happy families, uno, snap, top trumps, ginrummy,
story tapes, borrowable from the library, just need a little walkman etc
new magasine
new book
puzzle books
spotting games eg, make a worksheet with boxes on witha different picture next to it. In a five minute time slot they have to count how many of each picture they have spotted.
story writing
a new journal and pen to start journaling they journey...start with the train ride. Take some prit stick so the can stick in, sweet wrappers, their tickets (at the end of course) etc and this can be used thruoghtout your time away and on the journey home (if that is what you ar planning)
FOOD this is always good. A compartment picnic is way more exciting than buying lunch from the trolley, esp if they don't know what they are having.
language games; word association, I spy, i went to the shops, fizzbuzz
hope this helps.