Birth plans in The AnswerBank: Parenting
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Birth plans

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stressed out | 19:50 Mon 23rd Oct 2006 | Parenting
6 Answers
I am 27 weeks pregnant with my second baby but i am a little concerned that since my scan when i was 23 weeks there does'nt seem to be any more tests or appointments booked for me and i basically will be 'ignored' until the baby is due. Is this usual for a second birth? Do i not need to have a Birth plan prepared or be monitored at all by a midwife or gp?


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I know i'm a man, but don't stress about it. They aren't ignoring you, they are simple letting you go through it without to much fuss and pressure. From them, You know what to think and do through it. ok!

Good luck!! and all the best
have you not been told to see a midwife at all until birth of baby?
I know women having 2nd 3rd or 4th child who may not be seeing a midwife as much but are still having appointments to check BP, urine etc.
If I were you I would make an appt to see either the Dr or Midwife, I found with my 2nd pregnancy that things were much more relaxed, but I still had regular appts, i remember going once per month and then it went to every two weeks and then the last 4 weeks at least I saw someone once a week. Regarding the birth plan I would bring this up as it is very important for the midwives to know what you would like to happen while it is all going on.

good luck.

P.S. Try not to stress yourself out too much.
Like hellywellywo I was seen by the midwife every week the last few looooooooooooooooooooong weeks of my pregnancy.

Give them a ring and find out why you have no appointments booked.

Good luck with the birth!!
It might vary from county to county.I'm in my 2nd pregnancy and they do'nt seem to see you as much(even though I suffered from pre-eclampsia in my last one).It says in my appointment plan 10-12,16,25,28,31,34,36,38,40/41,with a hospital appt & scan at 21 weeks.
I would give them a call and explain your worries,it does'nt seem right that they should just leave you,You still need to have your blood pressure & urine checked & the babies heart checked.

My pregnancies were 10 years apart and I noticed a much more relaxed attitude from the medical profession the second time - far fewer appointments etc. I think its probably more to do with money saving than anything but the minimum number of appointments has reduced. However, you are able to book in an appt to see a midwife whenever you want for your own reassurance. The minimum number of visits is just that - a minimum.

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