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am I being over anxious

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grannypops | 08:11 Wed 17th Jan 2007 | Parenting
2 Answers
my little grandson was born 12 weeks early and was on oxygen till he was almost 9months. my daughter was advised by the specialist not to have him with a lot of children until his imune system was devoloped a lot more, this ruled out nursery/play school. he is now a robust healthy two and a half year old, the only "slow" part of him was his learning to talk, in the last 3 months his vocabulary has came on tremendously although he isn't bridgeing his words into sentences yet, which has prompted his health-visitor to send him to a speech therapist! he's fine when we get there and goes in quite happily, it's when we leave and he has to join in with hand-clapping and sing a-longs he gets very upset and wants his mummy, he plays very happily at home with my daughters friends children when they visit or she visits them, do you think there is too much pressure on him, we are so worried.


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I am thinking that perhaps he just has problems with the noise of the singing and clapping? Or he may be frustrated that he cannot quite get the words out to the songs. If he is happy being there and playing then he is interacting at his own pace. Have you tried the signing and clapping at home so he feels more confident when he goes? By doing it at home you may find out what it is that bothers him?

Of course you are anxious you are a Grand parent and it is in your job description! We wouldn't want you any other way.............xx
Granny, its sooo lovely to hear of grandparents being concerned about their grandchildren - please dont ever feel over anxious! As HJT40 so rightly put it - its your job to be concerned about your family, why would you be?

My youngest nephew suffers from slow speech development and wasnt even giving eye contact - he's barely three years old and has already had two courses of speech therapy and has just statred at nursery. Half of his problem was too much tv and not enough communication from real adults.
Sadly, i dont get to see him very often, but whenever i am with him i sing to him. He loves it soo much that he started singing back - just small sections, one or two words, but it was a start. i then added his name into the songs and this kept him occupied for 7 - 10 mins! He nows stops and grabs my hands in a wavy movement and begins to sing his favourite song 'Jig Jog'.
I have now been told that he has been sitting for longer since he has been at nursery - so there is still hope. I'm now in the process of making him his own song book.

I do believe that he will develop at his own pace as do all children, but a little bit of support from specialist wont hurt.

Good luck and keep up the worrying ( Meant in the nicest possibly way you understand!)
Flower xx

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am I being over anxious

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