having received a visit from one of my sons friends mum today concerning the whereabouts of her child as she hadn't turned up for school, I rang the school to confirm whether or not he had turned up only to be told he hadn't. i notified his friends mum so she knew he was with them, then I rang the police to ask their advice having never been in this situation before. they took details and said to call back after school times if he didn't arrive home. Half an hour later I received 2 calls from the police to tell me that when they rang the school they were told that he was in fact in school, i rang to confirm it and the school told me that as he had got to school (on time) but had a problem that he had tried to solve before going into his first lesson. I am absolutely fuming that they could just "lose " my son like that. am I over-reacting?
Are you saying your child and another child were missing together?
The school initially said your child wasnt there?
I dont understand then the "i notified his friends mum so she knew he was with them"
my son is 14, When I heard his friend was missing from school i thought it best to check up on my son which when i was told he wasn't in school i assumed he must be truanting with his friend so i let her mum know so she knew there was 2 of them rather than just one
I personally wouldn't be impressed with the school either. I would have thought that the first thing the school would do would check the register, this obviously wasn't done when you initially rang them?
I'd be tempted to contact the headmaster to find out what exactly happpened.
now my son is home and I've heard his version of events as he walked to school with his friend another friend who had been missing last night and the police had been looking for her had met them and walked into school with them so the two kids had been trying to persuade her to either phone or go home to let everyone know she was ok. my son had had a quiet word with one of the teachers warning them what was happening without startling her to run away again, that was why they had both missed registration.