I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old both whom I smack. ( lightly on the back of the legs and when they are having hissy fits ). They are very pleasant, intelligent and loving children when I look after them. But when my wife looks after them she does not smack them and does not really discipline them and they suddenly become rowdy, noisy and very naughty. I very rarely smack my children now as I just have to change the tone of my voice and they now they are in trouble and they stop being naughty. I just wanted peoples thoughts on this controversial issue.
@no.knowledge, it's a way of directing a response to a person who has answered your question. So that there is no confusion. An internet habit I guess, but nothing disrespectful or malicious behind it.
You seem to just want to flame me for reasons I can't understand.
Going out, so can't read all the posts, but I think there should be more smacking if naughty. I got smacked as a kid and I have grown up to respect other people and their views and have never been in any kind of trouble with the law, yet kids I see now who aren't smacked are just growing up to be little sods.
RavenD. Do what you think is right. If you have to ask advice, perhaps you are having doubts about your actions. Kindest regards and good luck to you and yours....
My 'kids' r 40, 38 & 30 and have all been whacked for misdeeds.....in some cases saved them from being killed on the road when disobeying.
Ofcourse parents have power over kids - naturally but parents also want their children to survive and allowing them to turn feral by mamby-pamby discipline is only leaving their where-with-all till later when bullies get the better of them.
Dont fool yourself into thinking the population is as gentle as you......children need to know boundaries so sort them out young.
Children need to learn that their actions can make a parent lose it. Once they discover there is a ponint where the parent can't take any more they tend to stay short of it.
Of course there is the odd odd child who revels in making their parent go over the edge.