2yr old height in The AnswerBank: Parenting
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2yr old height

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shazbang | 19:29 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Parenting
12 Answers
Does anybody out there know if its true that your height as a two year old is half of your final adult height?
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So they say, its worth taking note at 2yrs and checking it out in years to come eh lol

An adult's height is roughly twice their height at 2� years

yes thats a rough guide. Its looking like my son will be 6'4" at least!

The red baby books nowadays have a formula in them to get a rough idea too, i havnt seen my sons for a while so cant recall seeing it in his.
my son is heading for 6'4" too!

a whole foot taller than me :-o
tsk, lost your sons, redcrx? Careless mum!

Yes, it worked for me, or rather for jno jnr, 3ft 1in to 6ft 3in.
didnt say id lost it. Just had no reason to look at if for a while lol :)

lol @ jno - I knew what you meant ha ha!
sorry jno, i read it the other way lol. still got pregnancy brain i think pmsl
oh god my son is gonna be a shortie 5.3 oh dear
yep mines headin for 6'2 at least, well he was a BIG baby!
I understood it only works with boys for some reason.
Hi,I wouldn't really worry about that - my husband was tiny right until he hit his teens - he's now 6ft 5!! I was pretty tall for my age then stopped growing at 12 years old, I'm only 5ft 2 :-(


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