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im asking this for friend, she had her last period 8 weeks ago, slept with someone 4 weeks ago and then 2 weeks ago (same guy) she normally has her period about 4/5 weeks in between. anyway she hasnt...
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dr pop
Hi Wife s in late stages and wants to breast feed when baby arrives. Anybody recommend any good breast pumps?
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I am due to start maternity leave in January. My boyfriend and I both work full time. I know I am entitled to SMP, child tax credit and child benefit, but as my BF is in the army and on more than...
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Hi everyone, I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and when I had my last midwife check up, she felt the size of the baby through my tummy and said it felt like I was 2 weeks further on than I thought. I...
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Hi all, am almost 31 weeks now (I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going! Maybe its because I have a toddler to look after this time round) I am having an elective section so know I have no...
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Hello, apologies in advance, this is a long post! I came off depo earlier this year - my last jab was 30th January. Last time I came off depo (over 5 years ago) it took me about 5 months for my period...
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i'm just wondering how long it takes to become fertile again after taking the morning after pill? my partner took it last monday and we didnt use protection at the weekend as we were thinking that she...
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Me and my girlfriend have been having unprotected sex for 2 years, in that time she has fell pregnant once last year, but lost it. I have been paranoid that during the 2 years she has only become...
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i had a baby in 2006 and was allowed 26 weeks oml (first 6wks paid higher) then 26weeks unpaid. im currently pregnant, when did it chage to 9 months paid and 3 months unpaid???
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can a positive test ever be wrong. i done a test this morning well two actually as my period is 4 days late and it has come up with 2 lines each time but the second line is not as dark as the
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I'm now really late with period but def not pregnant as i did a test last night. weird. x
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Hi everyone I was just wondering, from your past experience, how long it took after you came off the pill to become regular. I was v reg on the pill and when i last came off the pill but this time it...
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Hi Just been speaking to my mum and her boss was saying that the nurse who done her scan told her that if the baby has a hear beat of 135 or lower the chances are its a girl. If it has a heartbeat of...
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Hello, Can someone please offer some advice. Does breastfeeding make your boobs sag? I've heard so many people say it does but after looking it up online I have read a few bits that say it doesn't and...
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ok im really just on here for a rant as i have no one else to talk to , so i thought i was pregnant since i have missed my period and had some spotting.So went and bought myself a pregnancy test today...
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my partner and i are tryin for a baby my period was due last week and never came they are usually like clockwork. was at the toilet yesterday and there was a small amount of blood then nothin all day...
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Hi. my husband and i have just started trying for a baby and i was just wondering when is the best time of the month to try to conceive. x
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Barney's pal
Hi, despite being on the pill for the last 7 yrs I've just discovered I'm expecting again at 44yrs old. My partner is thrilled, but I'm terrified. All I've ever read about is bad case senario's in...
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Can anyone please tell what benefits im entitlled to whilst being pregnant and out of work. i recently clamed job seekers but thats now ended and im looking for work without any luck. im 12weeks...
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im 3 months pregnant and work full time in retail-therefore on my feet 8 hours a day. what i'd like to know is, am i entitled to regular breaks now or later on in pregnancy as i have read that it is...

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