My mother is still living with me, aged 94 now and she has mild dementia. I love her to bits and want to look after her for the rest of her life. She was a good mother, although she focused her attentions primarily on my brother when we were children and in the past did a few things that hurt me and my children. But that was a long time ago and she was so focused on my brother she really didn't know or understand what was happening in my life. My brother was always her "golden child", her star! Over the years that she has lived with me this has changed. Her "golden child", who is very wealthy, only comes to visit her once every few years, phones about twice a year and plays no part in looking after her, offers no financial support ... nothing! I am not well off at all and am disabled, but have willingly looked after my mum for the past 20 years. She tells me every day that I am such a "good girl" and that she is so glad "we have us". My brother will never understand how his lack of caring and consideration hurts her and angers me. All parents make mistakes and so did my mum, but I still respect her and will never stop showing her that I love her, even though ours was not always an easy relationship. My father and I were very close and very alike in so many ways. I would never let him down by not looking after her as he would have wanted me to. Sadly he died far too young and we both miss him very much.