this morning i was bleeding abit and i mean it was only abit. i'm not that worried not had any pains or nothing just wondered is this normal? im 10 weeks. thanx
Id get checked tom. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isnt. The fact it hasnt continued is good but it will relax you to get checked. You may not think you are worried but you were worried enough to post.
Good luck Im sure all will be fine. xxxxx
always get any bleeding checked out straight away. Call your midwife or your early pregnancy unit at the hospital.
Some women bleed slightly all through pregnancy so its not always a sign that somethings wrong but its best to get checked over.
I had a bit of spotting myself but it was usually after getting amorous with my fella, midwife said it was the cervix getting knocked.
I had the exact same thing. I called my midwife and she said it was normal at this stage, it's the placenta taking over and doing all the work. I was put on three days bed rest and she said if the bleeding gets heavy or there is any pain to go straight to hospital. Thankfully, everything is OK.
I would advise you to contact your midwife as the others have said.