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Does anyone know the symptoms of fetal distress?

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mountainboo | 16:20 Mon 12th Nov 2007 | Pregnancy
15 Answers
I had terrible indigestion last night due to eating a bit of pork and through the worst of it my baby was kicking extremely hard and moving around a lot more than usual. I'm just coming up for 21 weeks by the way. Does that mean he was in some distress or is that usual? I have felt him as normal today, if a little stronger than usual so I think he's ok. By the way, I have only just found the pregnancy section, how long has it been here? TIA


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As the weeks go on, babys movements will get stronger and stronger and boy will you know it when it plays footy with your insides near the end! lol

I am 25 weeks and getting to the point when some movements can be quite painful or just very uncomfortable, especially when I have a foot or a head poking out of me!

Did the bad indigestion start after the movements? As it is possible it was your baby being so active that caused the indigestion and not the pork.

I wouldnt think you have anything to worry about and baby wasnt in any distress. But Im no expert, I can only go by my own experiences. So if ever you have doubt or worry, give your midwife a call and she will be able to reassure you that everything is fine :)

As for this section, its always been here all the time Ive used this site which is about 6 months now :)
******, you found us. I knew psychicks big mouth would have us found out sooner or later.

Hun, babies have days of being quiet and then a day of manic rushing about at that stage. BUT give your midwife a call anyway, they wont ignore your worries.

I think its from about 25 weeks that a pattern usually forms when you will have a very good idea if baby is quieter than normal. I used to eat and then wait for little CRX to get the hiccups as soon as it hit my stomach lol
OI! I havent got a big mouth, just a loud voice! lol

As for the movement routine, I think mine likes it when Im on the move and stays pretty calm and still. It wakes however, whenever Im trying to relax and rest!

Think its a sign of things to come? lol
little CRX never stopped and i was worried. Turns out that after he was born he never stayed still in his sleep lol
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Thanks to you both. The indigestion started around the same time he was playing footie with my tummy so I guess it was him. I feel extra big today and a little tender in the abdomen area so he must have kicked the crap out of my insides. Does anyone else get back ache as well? Right up the top in between the shoulder blades, it's a killer sometimes.
try keeping a check on your posture, id say its to do with the extra weight you are carry up front. I get low back ache generally but i get the occasion when its my shoulders if ive been slouching at my desk.

Hope bubs has settled again today x
Ironically, as someone who has suffered backaches since being a teenanger, during pregnancy seems to be one time I dont really get it!
Like red has said, keep an eye on how youre sitting etc and keep changing positions if you can so if you do end up slouching or something, its not for too long. Unfortunately, backache is all part of the "joys" of being pregnant.

As for baby kicking, wait til he plays footie with your bowels and makes you want to (*thinks of polite way of putting it*) break wind! Or am I the only one who gets that? lol
Psychick, stop using your ickle bambino as an excuse for your excessive flatulence!
Well my daughter is under the illusion, one shes come up with herself!, that I never have flatulence, and I dont want to shatter that illusion do I? lol

Actually, I never actually "do it", I just get the feeling Im going to! Its weird but in an amusing way lol
i think Id rather that than the pain when bubs kicks my cervix. This one hasnt yet but little CRX used to use it like a punchbag.
I must admit that I do blame my burping (from either end) on the child. I think part of mrwarpig believes me and the other part is screaming 'liar, liar, pants on fire', which if I lit a match, they would be.
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If you peeps are still around can I ask something else as my midwife wasn't very much help today. I've had this real bloated feeling since yesturday, I mean way more than usual. Baby feels alot heavier and from below my boobs to my navel is extremely hard and bloated. I basically feel as though Im going to pop. Is it normal as midwife just said 'as long as theres no water or blood and if it really doesnt feel right call the maternity' well I dont want to call them in case its usual?
Mountainboo that sounds normal to me, some days I feel bigger than others and sometimes the lower part of my tummy is really hard, sometimes its one side or the other, sometimes its at the top, guess it just depends where the piglet wants to be at the time.
Sounds normal to me as well hun. Your hormones mean that your digestive system is slowed down and of course your bowel and stomach have been pused up and out of way by baby. I have days where it feels like i have a brick in my lower tum, its so heavy and bulky.
Well that sums up how Im feeling most of the time mountainboo!

I feel like baby is growing but my tummy is forgettting to stretch too and that at any moment the whole is just going to go bang! lol

Keep eating little and often and healthily and you should be able to keep bowel movements regular to help with the bloating feeling. Of course, you are going to feel bloated now til baby arrives Im afraid! Only another long 15 weeks for me!

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Does anyone know the symptoms of fetal distress?

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