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Can we have a role call please?

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Psychick | 14:14 Fri 21st Mar 2008 | Pregnancy
27 Answers
Can the ladies ready to pop let us know how its going if youre still at home and not screaming and shouting on the labour wards lol


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Psychick , hi honey , have you seen Lorrymacs thread today yet ? xxx She's gone quiet since .
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Hi bigmamma, I had read her thread but Im sure had something happened since she would have quickly let us know.
Have you noticed mountainboo or natalie about today? I still think its going to be one of them next.
I've kinda lost track who are all the pregnant ladies and when are they due -its really exciting isnt it !!
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Hi Drisgirl there certainly seems to be a baby boom on here at the moment lol

The next few, I think, are mountainboo, natalie, redcrx and lorrymac. Sorry if I missed anyone out whos due in the next few weeks.
Well im still here, baby is sideways so not gonna be arriving anytime soon LOL
I'm still here!!!

nothing regular yet - just feeling something pretty much all the time. it's like when you have a headache for days - you get used to it, but when it's gone you think wow - that's what it feels like not to have a headache....make sense??

i'm constantly feeling a cramp, or pain, or sensation, or something.... my friend said that she was like that though for the last few weeks of her pregnancy so it could be absolutely nothing i guess, just things moving into place etc.

I would definitely do my best to post if anything kicked off. I fully intend on staying at home as long as i can. not in any rush to get to the hospital!!

still nothing from natalie and mountainboo....??
Ooooh - here! Here! Sorry to get you excited. Nothing has happened today, I've been doing chores :-(

how are your sensations today Natalie?? i seem to be getting more and more each day but nothing really consistent or regular... just permanent really and changing a lot... it's hard to explain huh?! x
Thanks for that Psychick -will follow the progress of everyone from now on -its ace -love when we get a diary of events-feel as tho youre involved !
I just posted in your other thread. Nothing outstanding for me - just a constant nagging period type pain that isn't exactly painful atall, and the occasional shooting pain. Found it really tough getting out bed this morning, for the first time it felt like I was pulling ligaments when I moved and had to kind of roll off the bed as opposed to being able to hoist myself up and out like usual! Also, I am finding it hard to sleep on my side even with the body pillow and am waking kind of half sprawled on my front, I reckon my body must be trying to encourage baby to engage (it hasn't yet because it's still playing footsie with my ribs!)
Good morning everyone - I'm still here :-)
Tired, and emotional but here all the same. Wish I didn't feel so flipping miserable though. I am sure it will have lifted by lunchtime.

No pains since yesterday, no shows, no nothing! Lorry - any news? I'm sure MBoo must have a mini MBoo by now, I don't think I saw her on atall yesterday. Red - how are you feeling? Baby turned back round the right way yet?

I am going to go have a bath and cheer up, speak later xx
Hiya, Im still here.

I havnt had any of the pains for 2 days now, but am so tired (slept 11 hours last night) My bump is really low now and rests on my legs lol. I cant sit down normally as its getting in the way too.

Not sure of position again, havnt felt much at the sides so maybe its decided to go head down at last and try and find an exit.
I wish mine was lower Red, my bump is still really high and I can't sit at a 90degree angle, I am still lolling to one side which makes my hips and lower back ache. I am just hoping it will engage / drop soon so I am able to breathe again!
I'm still sat here too!! Getting a bit fed up of waiting now. I had tightenings yesterday for a few hours that were coming every 5-9 minutes but they soon subsided and i haven't felt much since. I am gutted. if i went into labour today i'd probably have my baby on it's due date. i guess there's still time but i feel pretty normal today... i think!

How are you Natalie and Red? Still nothing from MBoo then?? xx

I'm a miserable cow today, feel sorry for my hubby really. I am grumpy and tired and tearful and have no reason to be, apart from the thought that I could still be sat here in over 3 weeks time :-(
I even ate a whole half packet of chocolate biscuits earlier to cheer myself up - my first comfort eat throughout the entire pregnancy!

I hope I snap out of it soon, it's not like me but I am so unsociable and am finding it really hard to be patient and tolerant of anyone. Grrrr. When will this baby arrive? I want some more pains or a show or anything! Please.....

Mrs Desperate, Oxford

P.S. No I still haven't seen anything of MBoo, I hope she is ok and baby MBoo is safely here!
Sorry to hear it's getting to you Natalie. I've not been too bad, it's probably a bad combination of all the anxiety, hormones, frustration, tiredness etc....

I'm just about to sit on my ball for an hour to see if i can get things moving along. My dinner has given me bad heartburn so i'm a bit miserable now SICK of heartburn!

it's my due date in 2 hours........ xx
Morning ladies, I'm still here! Still no news from MBoo? She must have had him by now! How exciting. Oh, I will be soooo annoyed if she logs on mid morning and tells us that her internet connection has been down or something LOL

Lorrymac, I'm feeling much better today thanks hun. Just as well really, I was even annoying myself!

Baby was REALLY active yesterday evening, and this morning I have more mild pains down the bottom of my tum so hopefully it is trying to engage again, if it hasn't already. Bump is still very high and it's bum and feet are still in my ribs, I could feel the length from his / her bum to her feet yesterday when he/she was stretched and they seem to be quite long legs. Here's hoping that they're long and slender, not just generally enormous!

Have a good day all xx
P.S. What were doing up at nearly 10pm?! I haven't been up that late in 9months!

P.P.S Congratulations on your due date! xx
Morning all you lovely pregnant ladies. I'm due on 22nd of May. Feels like a lifetime away! But feeling ok though.

Trying to second guess where the bump is at the moment, I was breech and thought she had turned, but now I think she's back to beign breech again!

x x x

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