Hello again ladies, Lorry I know how you're feeling. I just can't be bothered to do anything, although I am so bored I feel like I want to do something. MrNat has gone to watch the footie so I have had the house to myself for a couple of hours and all I have done is lay on the sofa thinking about what to do!
I know everyone says, if you feel like resting then you should, but some of me feels like resting and the rest of me feels like getting up and doig something - just the two parts don't seem to want to do it at the same time. Also, I feel really unsociable, I can't be bothered to ring friends that I should - sometimes I can't even be arsed to repsond to a text message, I mean it's not like I am too busy or anything LOL
My next appt isn't until April 3rd which is when I will be 40weeks bang on - seems like a lifetime away, and if I was to go as far a Red then you might as well be telling me that I'l be giving birth in 2010 :-O