Hi andrea,
With my first, my waters broke on Sunday morning, I went into labour in the afternoon, went into hospital in the early hors of monday morning and I just never got past 8cm as the baby was lying back to back, he was 9lb 13oz and was stuck with his head not pressing on the cervix enough for it to open any more - they eventaully did a cs on the Wednesday morning (under epidural). They had quite some battle to pull him back up the other way again.
My second was an elective as I said, it was no bother at all, i went in on the morning at 7.30 and was back up on the ward with my 2nd son at 9.30 and checked out two days later with no problems at all!
i guess everyones experience is different , and to be fair, I would happily have cut my first out myself after the length of the labour - the thought of a section by that point was a relief.
I cant comment on a normal birth, because I didn't get that far and i am not having any more, but that decision has nothing to do with having had two sections, we simply did not want any more that the two we have.
Don't worry too much, I am sure that the right decisions will be taken at the time. Did you have a section because your last one was breach?