Can we have an update please? in The AnswerBank: Pregnancy
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Can we have an update please?

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Psychick | 22:00 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Pregnancy
104 Answers
With so many of you expectant mums seeming to be due around now, I think its time we had an update on your due dates.

To all those who are just finding expecting, feel free to add your dates too :)
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I'm due May 22nd and I really cant wait now! This little madam is causing me a lot of bladder grief and back pain! She will definatly have a smack on the bum when I see her, at last! Cant wait now... often think about what she's gonna look like! Bless x x x
Morning - I was due April 3, but still hanging in here :-)

I have a sweep tomorrow morning, and induction on 17th if nothing by then.

In fact, while I think about it, I have to be at doctors for 9 tomorrow so probably won't be on until a bit later tomorrow morning so don't anybody get excited if you don't hear from me before lunchtime!
Im due next monday 14th.

Brother emigrates to USA friday 11th and he wants to see baby, so no pressure then lol
so really you'll have to go into labout today then. I;m not due anytime soon am not even preggers just an eager aunty :-)
sorry meant labour, would be lovely if you could Lay-bout
Would be even better if you could combine the two 4get, you might be on to something there.... a labour that feels like a lay-about but results in a baby. I'll have me one of them please :-)
I'm due 17th September. Still a long way to go yet!
natalie, laying about is what made baby in first place :)

and yes 4get, i am aware that today is last opportunity if brother is to see bubs
want2findout - is this your first?
Poor you having to carry through the summer, the time will fly by though.

Good point Red. If only it were as easy at the end as it is at the start.

I really should go and sort my barnet out, I have been meaning to go and get dressed and sorted since about 8:30. I'm turning into a right lazy mare already. It's a slippery slope, next I'll Adidas bottoms and scraping my hair back into a greasy pony on the top of my head like a pineapple. Need to get this baby out soon before I turn into a real Waynetta and name the baby Whitney.
Yes this is my first :-)
Got to hear the heartbeat for the first time last week which was amazing. Really put my mind at rest as I'm hardly showing at all and still can't quite believe there's a baby growing inside of me! I can't wait for the bump to come although I know I'll regret saying that towards the end of the pregnancy!
Any day now then natalie! ... hope all goes well. Look forward to hearing the news of your new arrival :-)
oh Nat, it is easy at the end lol

a little cough and out it comes. Its only in the soaps that women have to scream for 3 minutes first, it adds to the drama.

I bet youre like me now and getting so fed up with every twinge and clock watching.
want2findout - I didn't start showing until I was about 25weeks! Now there is no hiding it! It is amazing to hear the heartbeat isn't it? I only had the standard two scans at 12 and 20 weeks and even though it's amazing to see the little baby in there, hearing the heartbeat just makes me all gooey each time. Even now when I can feel it is a real life, enormous kicking machine in my belly, I still absolutely love hearing the heartbeat at my appointments. I think I will miss that part the most actually :-)

Red, I keep telling myself to 'ignore' anything I feel and that when labour starts for real I will know, but I still can't help getting my hopes up every time I get a twinge and lay there willing it to turn into something stronger! I feel like I am just ticking the days off now - I am really looking forward to my midwife appt tomorrow so that is giving me something to focus on. Then no doubt I will spend the whole of tomorrow going "Is this it?", "Oooh, I'm sure I just felt something", "Was that a contraction?". I will be driving either you lot or my hubby nuts!
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So lets see who we have here then....

Natalie - 3rd April
red - 14th April
Andrea - 22nd May
want2findout - 17th September

I know theres a few more of you out there, LittleMiss and Aims, when are you two due?
Hello ladies , Psychick , theres also I Love Snow too :-) xxxxxx
according to little redcrx next weeks baby day
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Its finally tickle day next week 4get? Did he say which day?
no today was banging day and I said what happened to tickle day, he said that had gone and I said so whats next week and he said baby day. Just dont know what day
Hi Psy,

beverleymot is another lady on here due on the 22nd of May (like me), will be very wierd having someone actually due on the same day! Oh what fun we'll have! x x x
I'm here too - my little one's due on 4th june, I'm gettin a bit nervous now tho!!
k8bailey - Waw you are quite close to my due date too! Thats nice, will have to keep updating x x x

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