Hello - I am back! Unfortunately not with any news though. I only dashed on here very quickly this morning as I knew I wouldn't be able to get back on until around now and didn't want people getting excited that things might be happening for me lol!
So... the sweep. I'm pretty hardy, and things like smears and stuff don't worry me, but when I went in I was a bit excited (could be the start of things - I don't tend to look forward to internals) and a bit nervous! Midwife is lovely, and I am sure she enjoyed performing the sweep about as much as I enjoyed enduring it, but I hope things start to happen before I have to have another on Saturday - it wasn't pleasant. Although, like you say Red, it's a necessary evil. It just doesn't feel natural in the slightest, pretty uncomfortable in all although it wouldn't put me off having another (I am that desperate).
I got 5 points if that means anything to anyone and I am now 1-2cm dilated, she managed to prod baby's head through the cervix (not a nice thought / experience!), and within an hour of getting home I had a show (not a bloody one) but have had nothing since, it just feels a bit tender and bruised down there. But hey ho, there's still tonight to go and something might happen then!
Midwife worried me a bit because she said baby had turned, which it had, but she meant turned from one side to the other and not breech. Baby's back was running down my left side with feet kicking to the right, but after 9months in that position obviously thought s/he'd give the other side a go and spun round so back is now running down my right side with feet kicking to left. Head is still only 4/5 engaged.
We were out and about today and got back to find that the heating has given up the ghost so have to get that fixed tomorrow, which is just what we need as yu can imagine.