Ah thanks natalie :) (couldve put it in the right order though lol)
Do me favour you two and dont do anything til tonight. We're off out for a few hours soon and I dont want to miss anything!
Im a bit nervous actually as this is the first time we've taken the baby to anyones other than the grandparents or my sisters. Whats more, its to his mates who isnt used to kids. I just hope she doesnt have one of her grumps on :S
That'd be great Red, we usually go up every couple of months but because of having the house rewired, not fancying travelling in later pregnancy, etc we haven't been up since Xmas, although I am sure we will soon be back on our usual jaunts again x
I don't know what I'm having, we asked but baby was being either coy or awkward and wouldn't show. Should know in the next few days though as I was due last Thursday :-)
The thing about having these babies is that as the bump gets bigger, your brain gets smaller. Sadly, when the bumps goes after, the brains dont come back! lol
Red - 14 Apr
Angel75 - 29 Apr
Andrea81 - 22 May
beverleymot - 22 May
k8bailey - 04 Jun
Dakota's SIL - 17 Jun
jacey21 - 19 June
I love snow - 23 Aug
want2findout - 17 Sep
aims1202 - 28 Oct
I've just nipped on to catch up with you all and see who you're all getting on...Natalie - I feel for you hun I really do. Waiting is a pain but it'll all kick off soon!!
Anyway, I am still around, we're doing really well but just don't get much chance to sit at the computer at the moment.
Oh no of course not natalie! I just copied and pasted your list, put it in the correct order :-) and added to it!
So sorry, I didn't mean to leave you off. Please see correct list below!
Natalie - 3rd April/ any time now!
Red - 14 Apr
Angel75 - 29 Apr
Andrea81 - 22 May
beverleymot - 22 May
k8bailey - 04 Jun
Dakota's SIL - 17 Jun
jacey21 - 19 June
I love snow - 23 Aug
want2findout - 17 Sep
aims1202 - 28 Oct
Hey Im due the 21st September with #2...Still a whole long way to go! Im only 16+5weeks :(
Hope everybody feeling fine and not getting too nervous....!
Natalie - get on with it lol
red - 14th April
Angel - 29th April
Andrea - 22nd May
Beverlymot - 22nd May
k8bailey 4th June
Dakotas SIL - 17th June
Jacey - 19th June
I Love Snow - 23rd August
want2findout - 17th September
niallsmama - 21st September
aims - 28th October