Hello im 37+3 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. Last weekend i noticed a good amount of mucous with was green tinged upon wiping, i didnt think much of it until Friday morning when the same happened again but it had blood in it.
I presume this is is the plug??
Is baby likely to be here very soon do you think? I didnt have this with my 1st as he was premature so waters broke spontaniously, until it went away during labour.
Babys head has been engaging in and out for weeks but since Fri to be honest i havent felt the same and VV uncomfortable!!
Im not sure if im in too much of a hurry to be testing old wives tales Red - baby has been back to back which is how i delivered my 1st!! Was turning at last appt so finger crossed.
Thanks Dris, havent posted on here for years but will let you know. Its been 3 days so not quite as quick as yours came!
try spending time on all fours and also sitting astride a dining chair but facing and leaning on the back of it (assuming you have no pelvic problems)
the weight of baby's back may manage to spin it to right way
How strange -my first was back to back as well -took forever as he was pressing on m y back instead of my cervix -almost due for an emergency CS then woosh -and relief !!!
Second (the daughter) came in 5hrs from twinge to delivery -no pain relief -was great though but like I said she was over ripe lol !!
Keep in touch as much as you can -lovely to know theres a baby en route x
Thanks Red, have been bouncing on ball too but didnt want to do that much before 37 weeks incase it brought labour on.
Dris, My 1st literally came out with a whoosh too after pushing for over 2 hours!! Soooo painful but managed with Gas and Air, thats why i feel so confident now should baby be in right position.
I got loads of this thick yucky discharge a few weeks before my 2nd was born, (sorry probably not what you wanted to hear!) sometimes mine had a little blood in it too. There's no way of knowing til you are properly in labour is there? My 2nd was born 2 weeks early as well and I didn't realise I was in labour until I had definite pains even though I had had very strong braxton hicks (or so I thought) all day.
I'm sure you won't have too long to wait, hope everything goes well for you and by the way, apart from the pushing bit I loved my 2nd labour! The gas and air was fab, had a right laugh the entire time!